
About Eid Prayers

By Md Rasel Miah

There are various Islamic Jihadi groups who want to bomb locations where Eid prayers are held. Many thus ask the question, what sort of Muslims are they who instead of attending Eid prayers, want to bomb and kill Muslims during its commencement?… And taking advantage of this very limited knowledge you have of Islam, various deceitful individuals would claim that these are all conspiracies concocted by the Jews. And they manage to convince you that if they are Muslims, how is it that they can be even remotely inclined to bomb an ongoing Muslim prayer session? Not to mention an Eid prayer session…

After he surrendered power to the British, Bahadur Shah Zafar the second, the last Mughal emperor, announced that the entire Indian subcontinent is now Darul-Harb before declaring Jihad against the British. Later on the likes of Hazi Shariatullah, his son Dudu Mia, Fakir Majnu Shah, Titumir they all declared the British ruled Indian subcontinent as Darul Harb, and tried to unite the people by asking them to commit Jihad. At that time Alems declared that it is haram to perform Jumma prayers and prayers for both Eid occasions, because of the fact that Muslims had surrendered power at the hands of the British. The Tagoodi rule of the British had been established in the sub-continent then. As a result India was Darul Harb as well. Even though there were some Alems who disagreed with that, instead stating that the India sub-continent cannot be considered as Darul harb, given how the British were allowing Muslims to deliver azaan, letting them perform hajj (pilgrimage) and namaaz (prayers). It can however be considered as ‘Darul Aman’ where Jumma and Eid prayers are legal…

These sort of disagreements between Alems regarding Islam, is nothing new really. According to Islam, it is haram to perform Eid Prayers in ‘Darul Harb’. ‘Darul Harb’ meanwhile refers to a region where Islamic rule has not yet been established. And the Prophet Muhammad also never performed Eid prayers in such regions. He performed Eid prayers in Madina only after he had established Islamic rule. Which is members of the IS attacked the Eid prayer session in Sholakia, Bangladesh. Even this year detectives have been advised to be on alert. That’s right brother, Jewish people are not conspiring to bomb Muslim Eid prayer locations. Had they just occupied themselves with religion, they would never have made such progress in science and technology and education. No it is Muslims who occupy themselves with religion. Which is why Muslim nations are amongst the poorest, undeveloped, illiterate, barbaric countries in the planet…Who not only attack those of other religious faiths, but do not even hesitate to burn their own…

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